Body’s Economy and Politics in Paintings With A Dress Theme by Balinese Contemporary Painters

  • Hardiman Hardiman Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Keywords: Dress, Balinese women, paintings, contemporary


This article contains an analysis of paintings with a dress theme by Balinese contemporary painters. Using sociological and cultural studies approach, the article discusses the relation between paintings as art artefact and cultural issues, especially in relation to economy and politics of signs. Since these paintings were made in the contemporary era, then this study of paintings is also related to the body’s current cultural phenomena and economy and politics. This article reveals and describes the meaning of paintings with a dress theme by painters: Made Alit Suaja, Polenk Rediasa, Tatang BSP, Wayan Pastika, and Agus Cahaya. This Article concludes that from the perspectives of the Balinese contemporary painters, Balinese women’s dresses are body’s economy and politics and at the same time the economy and politics of signs that do not separate between beauty and erotism. This discussion is expected to provide an expansive and deep understanding of the meaning of paintings with a dress theme by Balinese contemporary painters.


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