Tourists Satisfaction towards Museum in Tourism Industry: A Perspective in Postmodernism

A Perspective in Postmodernism

  • Ni Desak made Santi Diwyarthi Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Nusa Dua Bali
Keywords: Tourist, Satisfaction, Museum, Postmodernism


Bali, including museums, is involved in the millennial era tourism industry. Museum management can no longer be inclusive without borderless and out of the box analysis and application. The museum is one of the means of communication in the middle of millennial society today that must be examined its benefits in the tourism industry. The research method is qualitative, using research instruments in the form of questionnaires, interviews, documentation studies, with a population of museum visitors in Bali. The results showed that most of the visitors who visited the museum were people who had studied museum related information first, namely 52 percent, 52 percent would write the story of their trip to visit the museum, 80 percent would promote the existence of the museum through the internet, 92 percent knew the museum's history that would visited and its founder, 60 percent will promote back to others. 40 percent will return to visit the same museum.


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